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Focus Areas
- Sustainable and Eco-friendly solutions
- Re-usable Pads
- Menstrual Cups
- Vending Machines
- Incinerators
- Used Pad Disposal

Her Mahina Har Mahila (HER महीना हर महिला)
As the name suggests, it is a project for Women by Women. We are trying to bring all the available authentic information regarding Puberty, Menstruation and Menopause under Her Mahina Har Mahila project so that a larger section of the population can benefit through digital medium.
While providing information is important, it is equally important to provide various product solutions that are continuously being researched and marketed. Our goal is to bring those solutions to the beneficiaries who are deserving and needy at a very affordable price. It may include disposable pads, reusable pads, menstrual cups, vending machines, incinerators etc.